It's said that when you type in all capital letters it means that you are screaming. Well that's exactly what I'm doing now! Wake up and smell the coffee people!
Kramer's Corner"Live" is the place where you can finally rant and rave about anything! Kramer has an opinion about everything and he wants to hear yours. The idea is to make Kramer an influencer in the sports world. He will be your voice and only you the fans,have the power to make that a reality! " LET'S GO!!"
If you listen to Sports radio shows in any city you will find that it is almost impossible to have your voice heard. The sports hosts of today seem to drone on endlessly just to hear their own voices. On Kramer's Corner "LIVE" you will be the stars of the show. Via ZOOM you will not only be able to be heard, you will also be seen "LIVE" in real time!! In fact each month we will run a contest for the best call ins and the prize will be an opportunity to co-host the show with Kramer
If you listen to Sports radio shows in any city you will find that it is almost impossible to have your voice heard. The sports hosts of today seem to drone on endlessly just to hear their own voices. On Kramer's Corner "LIVE" you will be the stars of the show. Via ZOOM you will not only be able to be heard, you will also be seen "LIVE" in real time!! In fact each month we will run a contest for the best call ins and the prize will be an opportunity to co-host the show with Kramer